
画廊餐厅 is committed to featuring the freshest most flavorful ingredients of the season. The restaurant supports many 夏洛特 and the Carolinas’ local area farms.


  • 偶然的贝克
  • 安森米尔斯
  • 阿什县乳业公司
  • 鲍康最好的农场
  • Boxxcar牛奶
  • Breadsmith
  • 幸运叶农场
  • 教堂山乳品厂
  • charlene花园
  • 山羊女士奶牛场
  • 金颗粒
  • Looking Glass乳品店
  • 新阿巴拉契亚食品
  • 阳光溪农场
  • 意大利面 & 规定
  • 信誉农场
  • Puckerbutt Pepper Company
  • Una ala Volta
  • 野心香草农场


画廊酱汁 & 摩擦

  • 半克本地蜂蜜
  • ½C第戎芥末
  • ½ C Smoked white balsamic vinegar
  • 盐-随口味
  • Cayenne pepper – To taste

Combine all ingredients well

  • 1½C番茄酱
  • 1 C莱克星顿酱
  • ¼ C Worchestershire sauce
  • 1茶. 烟熏粗盐
  • 1/3 C番茄酱
  • 半C烟熏红糖
  • ¼C糖浆
  • ½C淡啤酒
  • 研磨的香菜
  • 2茶. 孜然
  • 1 Medium yellow 洋葱 – sliced
  • 2 oz Dry ancho chili pepper
  • 8熏肉条
  • 喷洒新鲜的百里香
  • 6蒜头
  • ½茶. 红椒碎

In a medium sauce pot over high heat sauté the bacon, 洋葱, 大蒜, anchos and salt until the 洋葱 is caramelized lightly. Add all other ingredients and simmer for ten minutes.

  • 1 C纯枫糖浆
  • 1 .红酒
  • 4 T Chinese red chili paste
  • 2 T辣椒粉
  • 2 T洋葱粉
  • 2 T蒜粉

Combine all ingredients well

  • 1柚子
  • 1柠檬
  • 1石灰
  • 1橙色
  • 1 C本地蜂蜜
  • 2吨烟熏红糖
  • 2 Fresh jalapenos – chopped

All citrus is juiced and zested

  • 1 C烟熏红糖
  • .5 C烟熏粗盐
  • 1 C烟熏辣椒粉
  • .25℃蒜粒
  • .25 C Cracked black pepper

Combine all ingredients well

  • 3大匙粗盐
  • 3 ea. 月桂叶
  • 1 T干迷迭香
  • 1茶. 全黑胡椒
  • 干燥百里香
  • 干龙蒿
  • ½茶. 地面孜然
  • 1 / 4红茶
  • ¼茶. 甜胡椒
  • 1茶. 食盐
  • 1吨蒜粒
  • 2茶. 粒状洋葱
  • 2茶. 干鼠尾草
  • 1吨干牛至叶

Grind all ingredients together in a spice grinder until very fine. 贮存阴凉干燥.

  • 4 C苹果醋
  • 4 C苹果汁
  • 3吨烟熏粗盐
  • 半C烟熏红糖
  • 1 T红辣椒碎

Combine all ingredients and bring to a simmer for 5 minutes. Cool and reserve for later use.

  • 1把新鲜的欧芹串起来, picked & 洗
  • 6蒜头
  • 2个中等大小的葱,去皮
  • 1 t. 白胡椒粉
  • 6 Sprig fresh thyme, picked
  • 2 Lemons just zest (Save the lemons to char on the grill and squeeze over items to finish)
  • 1 Sprig fresh basil, picked
  • 2 C. 菜籽油或鳄梨油
  • 熏海盐调味

Place all ingredients in a blender and puree, keep refrigerated. Marinade up to five days ahead.

  • 1 C莱克星顿酱
  • 1勺伍斯特沙司
  • 1勺阿斗波酱
  • 1吨干芥末
  • 1茶. 食盐
  • ½茶. 白胡椒
  • 1茶. 烟熏辣椒粉
  • 2 T番茄酱
  • ¼C蜂蜜
  • 1 C黄芥末
  • 半C烟熏红糖
  • 6盎司淡啤酒
  • 1勺塔巴斯科辣酱

Add all ingredients to a medium sauce pot and simmer for ten minutes.

  • 4 Ripe roma tomatoes, split lengthwise
  • 1个中等成熟的鳄梨
  • 2瓣新鲜大蒜
  • 1葱
  • ¼C红酒醋
  • ½ C 特级初榨橄榄油
  • 2吨砂糖
  • S & P品尝
  • 2吨香葱末

Hot smoke the roma tomatoes with apple wood chips just until the skin begins to peel away and the flesh starts to soften. Allow the tomatoes to cool to room temperature and puree everything together except the chives which will be folded in at the end. 按口味调味.

  • 1磅熟苹果
  • 1c砂糖
  • 1枝迷迭香
  • ¼C苹果醋
  • 2 C苹果汁
  • 1 bag of Jasmine or “Dragon pearl tea”
  • 1个柠檬汁

Quarter the apples and cover in a medium size pot with the vinegar and juice. Bring to a boil and cook until the apples are very soft. Strain through a fine mesh. Return the sauce to another medium size pot and add the remaining ingredients. Cook over low to medium heat stirring constantly until a thick consistency is obtained. Allow to cool completely or can.

  • 4盎司全麦芥末
  • 4盎司烤大蒜
  • ½ C Fresh parsley – chopped
  • 1/8 C蜂蜜

Combine all ingredients well

  • 整个干凤尾椒
  • 10 .泰国干红辣椒
  • 1把新鲜的欧芹串起来
  • 1 pt. 蓝莓
  • 50瓣蒜
  • 5青葱
  • 4盎司粗盐
  • 8盎司波特酒
  • 4盎司橙汁
  • 3 T番茄酱
  • 2吨全谷物芥末
  • 4盎司菜籽油

Add all ingredients to a drink blender and puree well. 摩擦 brisket up to one day ahead.

Rich sauce that will stand up to Beef, Ostrich, Wild game or Fire roasted chicken

  • 3个成熟的大西红柿
  • 4 .中等大小的葱,去皮
  • 4蒜头
  • 2 .红辣椒
  • 1个红甜椒
  • 1 t. 烤香菜籽
  • 半C烤杏仁油
  • 3 T. 红酒醋
  • 2 Spring fresh oregano, picked

On the grill slowly roast the tomatoes, shallots, 大蒜, chili’s and bell pepper. The tomatoes and peppers should have a dark charred surface and begin to soften. The 大蒜 and shallot should have a deep caramel color. Remove each vegetable from the grill as it is done. Allow the peppers to rest while covered for five minutes then peel and seed them. Place all ingredients in a blender and pulse several times to bring the sauce together. Season with salt to finish

Light citrusy compote/vinaigrette suitable for Fish, Shellfish, Scallops or Grilled salads

  • 1 Large bulb fennel, sliced in ½ inch strips
  • ½ Small red 洋葱, sliced to rounds
  • 2瓣蒜,捣烂
  • 3切开的橙子
  • 1 t. Tellicherry peppercorn, toasted & 当然地面
  • 3 Sprig fresh tarragon, picked whole leaves
  • 4 Candied kumquats, sliced thin
  • 1 T. Chardonnay or Champagne vinegar
  • ¼ C. 特级初榨橄榄油
  • 1 T. 菜籽油

Toss the fennel and red 洋葱 in canola oil and a pinch of kosher salt. Grill both just until they start to soften slightly and have taken nice marks. While the vegetables are cooking place the halved oranges on the hottest part of the grill flesh side down. Allow the oranges to take nice cross marks and begin to caramelize. 把洋葱和茴香切丁. Once all of the ingredients have been added together, squeeze the warm oranges over everything and adjust seasoning

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